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Priya Umapathi, MD


Luise Holzhauser Headshot.jpg



Luise Holzhauser, MD

The Research section of the Women in Heart Transplantation and MCS was convened at the inception of the society, with a goal to contribute new original research that advances clinical investigation within the advanced heart failure and transplantation field. We also seek to promote the academic development of our members, across all stages of their careers, by creating a professional platform for advancement and visible role models. We anticipate that these collaborative efforts will enhance the research careers of women colleagues working in our field around the world. 

The Research section is currently pursuing several projects based upon cross-center collaboration that we anticipate will produce high-quality original research. We have identified several topic areas where single-center studies are inadequate to fully answer key research questions for our patient population. Current multi-center retrospective cohort studies include the role of liver biopsy during advanced therapies evaluations, SGLT2 inhibitor safety and efficacy amongst heart transplant recipients, and a compilation of our cross-center expertise in mobilizing patients with temporary MCS devices. We have also generated documents on evolving practices within our field such as the transition towards less invasive rejection surveillance protocols. 

The Research section was exceptionally well represented during the 2022 ISHLT Annual Scientific Sessions held in Boston with our participants involved in multiple accepted symposia, original research abstracts, debates and other presentations. Within our section, we provide coaching on presentation skills for early career members giving conference presentations at such events. Our group will continue to strive to provide valuable opportunities to trainees and early career women in building their research presence and portfolio and we warmly welcome new members who are seeking additional clinical research experiences within the heart transplant and MCS field. 


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